Australian super pds 2009

MB: Pay my super into AustralianSuper : 0. MB: Letter of compliance: 0. All of these information booklets form part of the PDS and you should read them before deciding to join Statewide Super. Accelerated Protection PDS documents available for download. Product Disclosure Statement ( PDS ) Our PDS and information booklets cover everything from how super works to associated costs and fees.

The cash return was steady over the year period and grew less than asset classes such as Australian shares, direct property or bonds.

PDS or a Reference Guide but instead issue an update notice, either before or after the change occurs. You should check for any update notices, or the most up-to-date PDS or Reference Guides, available free of charge from oursuperfund. If SuperGuide refers to a financial product you should obtain the relevant product disclosure statement ( PDS ) or seek personal financial advice before making any investment decisions. In this article you can discover the top performing Balanced super funds over year and years.

Depending upon the fee plan you choose for your employees: Up to 3. Fund (‘Withdrawal Fee period’). Nil Entry Fee option. Benefits of investing with Vision Super 4.

Risks of investing in super 5. Insurance in your super 9. How super is taxed 8. Detailed information about each account can be found in the relevant guide. Financial Services. The non-concessional cap for an income year is a multiple of the concessional contributions cap.

Getting advice Talk to a financial advisor;. Sunsuper for life PDS and guides: Sunsuper for life PDS and Membership application form. A summary of the important information you need about your Sunsuper account, including insurance and fees. This is general information only and does not take into account your specific objectives, financial situation or needs.

Seek professional financial advice, consider your own circumstances and read our product disclosure statement before making a decision about First State Super. Changes to the information in this PDS will be notified on the Super SA website. Where changes are of a materially adverse nature, Super SA will also issue a replacement PDS.

Super SA Select PDS – an overview of super and features of the Super SA Select fund. A copy of each PDS is available on this website or by contacting us. Barefoot investor Scott Pape, 2 is the funky finance man recruited by Hostplus as part of its brand and marketing armoury aimed at improving financial literacy and boosting membership.

Cbus Industry Super PDS (PDF) - This handbook is for employees receiving super contributions from their employer.

Cbus Super Income Stream PDS (PDF) - This handbook is for those looking to receive their superannuation as regular income payments. Pursuit Core Personal Superannuation is a super product forming part of the Fund. You should obtain and consider the PDS relevant to the product you are interested in before making any decision about whether to acquire or continue to hold the product as it contains important information about the product including who issues the product, its key features, benefits and exclusions.

We’ve never paid a dividend to shareholders, nor a commission to advisers – our organisation has been built around putting the member first.


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