Aboriginal alias index
Wilks alias Teddy Wilks Personal file. Aborigines Department Files Index. All the archival and general records I discover I list in a spreadsheet which is updated regularly.
Yes: Armidale Bench Books - Court of Petty Sessions. Described as having limited english. Accused of assaulting Michael Horan after coming to his hut where Joshua Bogan, Henry Allingham and Mr Welsh were also present. They give statements to the.
Archival files index for Western Australian missions. Gods are often known by several names. We have tried to collect as many Holy Aliases as possible. Church bodies that managed missions and other institutions recorded BDM information about people under their control. Family verbal history revealed the name Frederick Wagstaff was an alias , due to Frederick already married to someone else.
Entries which indicate that the patient used an alias have been entered under both surnames. This method is seen as a simple way of avoiding the possibility that these important. Sometimes, material in the Commentary, on a particular case or document, helps to identify the person named. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. INDEX , Miscellaneous Information.
Index reproduced with the permission of the Author and Blatellae Books. Daniel alias Hetherton : 13: Hoo Joseph alias Wood. Missions were in the control of churches and missionaries with little or no government involvement.
Get it by Monday, July 27. A quick check of the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board website for Rennie drew a blank. Checking Trove newspapers gave numerous items, many of which were plastered with graffiti that Rennie was the alias for William Arthur Hope alias William Haywoo a small time violent criminal from Melbourne.
Methods: A data linkage was conducted between Queensland Youth Justice records and the Australian National Death Index. Links were assessed to determine how often they were made using the. Search series, items, digital images and online index entries all in the one place. The new Collection Search is a powerful single search tool that provides access to the 1. State Archives Collection and the 1. Online Index entries. Allman JP, Resident Magistrate.

The default for unknown family name, should be unknown in all instances and the name recorded as an alias name. Names are from five (5) different series of records. This is an ongoing project, with about 0names yet to be added.
Examines the film Saskatchewan, noting several errors in landscape (the movie was filmed in Alberta and contains a scene in the Rocky Mountains), provincial culture, costuming (the uniforms of the NWMP), and portrayals of the Sioux who sought refuge in the Cypress Hills following the. It the question: What is the smallest number of packages that will create a Linux system that can rebuild itself? The project is now defunct. But the code still works, and I still find it interesting, e.
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