Comfortable syllables

How many syllables in comfortable ? What are some words that are stress on the second syllable? Divide comfortably into syllables: com-fort-a-bly. How to say comfortably: How to pronounce comfortably. Three syllables is preferre but syllables is acceptable.

Because reality would tell you that “comfortable” is actually syllables.

But that’s besides the point. I believe the term you’re looking for is “syncope” which is a common feature throughout many languages. Syncope happens when we delete an unstressed syllable in a language.

This week’s Word of the Week is ‘comfortable’. Synonyms for comfortable at Thesaurus. Stress on the first syllable. Find descriptive alternatives for comfortable. Provide your comments or thoughts on the syllable count for comfort below.

Unstressed syllables can’t always be reduce but they often can be.

If a vowel sound is reduce it most often shortens to a. My friends actually made fun of me once for enunciating all the syllables. The first syllable of comfortable is stressed. Lamb was comfortable in his ignorance of what he did not choose to know. English word has ONE stressed syllable.

Is a efix meaning fully, together, with. Is a root word meaning strength, strong. Example: effort, fort, forte, fortifiable, fortify, forte, fortitude.

We write it like it has – comf-or-ta-ble, but the ‘or’ disappears. Comfortables – ah, no ‘s’. We often don’t say what we write. Months, months, months. There are four syllables in comfortable.

Closed syllables typically have a short vowel sound. Open Syllables have long vowel sounds. More than one consonant can also close in the vowel, such as in words like wish or insect.

Knowing whether a syllable is closed or open can help students when they encounter new words. How To Pronounce ‘comfortable’? Restaurant’ is usually pronounced with syllables only.

In each you’ll practice the sentence – “He was comfortable talking business in the restaurant”. Practising in a sentence is SO important. The likely cause for this metathesis is that there is something, er, uncomfterble about the way comfortable sounds. Some syllables seem to have a long or short sound when they are pronounced.

Take the wor ‘table’. The second part of the word.


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