Aboriginal family history nsw

Our collection offers a wide range of resources, links and useful tips to help you along the way. You can search freely for information about births over 1years ago, deaths over years ago and marriages from over years ago. Click the name of the book to view the catalogue record.

A hub for family history research for the area of the New England NSW. I love to share my research and hope it helps.

Family History Kit (PDF downloads) Contact the Family History Unit. The original documents are held in the South Australian Museum. We have copies of the genealogies and photos for New South Wales.

Read more about the Tindale genealogies. The Unit specifically assists Link-Up caseworkers in the family tracing and reunion for Indigenous people who were removed. In the October issue of Family Tree, Emily Manktelow (lecturer in British Imperial History at the University of Kent) explores the lives of our colonial ancestors in Australia, particularly the role of the British women.

Ms Bennett is one of the Indigenous people of central-west New South Wales trying to correctly piece together their family tree. The Aboriginal Family Records Service helps people from New South Wales to access state government records about themselves and their ancestors.

The records include those created by the former Aborigines Welfare Board (formerly known as the Aborigines Protection Board) and by the Chief Secretary relating to Aboriginal affairs. They are a valuable source of family history information as they include details of births, deaths, marriages and baptisms, as well as hundreds of photographs. Get started with our research guide to find key family history resources, specific to Aboriginal Australians. It is not an exhaustive list of sources which can be used in tracing Aboriginal family and personal history.

References to Aboriginal people are likely to be found throughout the records of various Government agencies held in our collection and may be located through our catalogue, finding aids and indexes. Doing your family history may help you obtain proof of your heritage. You might find a birth, death or marriage record that traces your family to a particular Aboriginal station or reserve.

Or you might have oral history stories that can connect you to a particular area or person or photograph. This index is a guide only and is being constantly updated as new material is added to the collection. The ALS family law team is based in Parramatta, NSW. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in out-of- home care and their families, including reducing entries into care, increasing exits from into care and proper implementation of the Aboriginal Child Placement Principle. This guide presents a number of useful published works containing family histories (many of which are also available at the National Library), as well as links to State services.

Family history sources – descriptions of key sources. Sources at home (PDF 2KB) PDF 2KB. Interviews (PDF 2KB) PDF 2KB. Photographs (PDF 3KB) PDF 3KB.

Birth, death and marriage records (PDF 3KB) PDF 3KB. The collection consists largely of certified copies of birth, death and marriage certificates of Aboriginal people in the Moree and surrounding areas. Indigenous family history collections are held in major cultural institutions across Australia. Public libraries can assist Indigenous peoples in trying to locate and access these materials locally.

This type of engagement is a great way to attract the local Indigenous community to your library service. Link-Up ( NSW ) assists children and youth who are at risk of entering or have already entered the Out Of Home Care system, by finding family to provide potential kinship placements and family contact. Link-Up also provides assistance with developing cultural care plans in accordance with the Aboriginal Placement Principles.


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