Can a company change its name

How to change company name? How much does it cost to change your company name? Can I change my company name after incorporation? To change your company name, you will need to inform Companies House, the registrar of all UK companies.

To submit the change to Companies House, you must file Form NM0 together with a special resolution, agreed by the board. You can download a special resolution template from Companies House here.

This form can be used to notify Companies House of an unconditional change of name by the company members. There is a cost of £to file the paper form. It’s easier and quicker to file your NM01. A copy of the resolution must be sent to Companies House with form NMand the registration fee of £(£for same day service). If you wish to change a company name by special resolution , a majority vote of the members will be required.

The resolution can be passed at a general meeting, but can also be passed as a written resolution. If there are any Shareholder Agreements in place, these too should be checked for any special procedures. If you’re wondering whether it’s possible to change a company name before or during administration, the answer is yes.

It’s relatively common for businesses to change their name prior to starting an insolvency procedure, and company administration typically allows for this. A company name change is a delicate process that must be handled properly. However, there are some instances where making this kind of change is important – even critical – to a business.

In fact, we recently made this recommendation to one of our clients. You can also sign a separate agreement to acknowledge the name change of a company. The change does not affect any rights or obligations of the company or render defective any legal proceedings by or against it.

You can adapt and use our free template special resolution on change of name for use at a meeting to obtain shareholder approval of the new company name. If you are a private company it is not necessary for you to arrange a shareholder meeting to approve the new name. Over time, as a company changes its sales emphasis, the enterprise may attempt to freshen its image by changing the name of the company to better reflect what products and services it produces. For example, when International Totalizer stopped making just cash machines and produced many different business machines, it changed its name to International Business Machines. As the company became.

Outdated content, incorrect company details and marketing material related to your old company will be no use of you with the changes to your company name. A fresh website design will revitalise your business , breathing in new life and modernising the feel. Search engines also love new content and updates to a. As soon as your original company changes its name , the old name immediately becomes available for use and can be adopted by the new company.

Kindly note that, when the old name becomes available again any company can register it, so you will want to ensure you do not delay in adopting the old name for the new company. Change of name : effect (1)A change of a company 's name has effect from the date on which the new certificate of incorporation is issued. UpCounsel accepts only the top percent of lawyers to its.

Agreements will usually contain a provision for exactly this kind of situation. And the agreement will automatically transfer (novate in legal terms). Where this is not provided for, companies that change names - usually due to mergers and acquis.


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