Regional infrastructure grants

A major part of the required investment is regional cross-border in nature and as a consequence tends to receive inadequate attention because of the extra costs, complexities and risks associated. The Regional Infrastructure Fund seeks to assist the growth of rural Victoria by providing grants for infrastructure projects that have the potential to stimulate economic activity in Regional Victoria. Objectives of Program. Selection of projects will be undertaken in two stages.

The Regional Sports Infrastructure Fund provides grants between $million and $million for regional sport hubs or regionally significant sport facilities. Smaller sport and active recreation projects may be eligible for the Stronger Country Communities Fund.

The Build America Bureau is seeking information and input for the development of a Regional Infrastructure Accelerators (RIA) program. Accelerators would provide assistance and act as a resource to regional entities (e.g. counties, towns, economic development agencies, etc.) as they develop transportation infrastructure programs and projects that could be eligible for DOT credit assistance. The NSW Government is investing an additional $1.

The Department will advise proponents how projects can be progressed. The Regional Growth Fund will invest in projects that facilitate regional development through six funds. Authorization of Appropriations.

The Regional Health Infrastructure Fund (RHIF) provides vital government funding to rural and regional health services and agencies across Victoria so these services can continue to provide safe and efficient care to local communities. The Regional Connectivity Program grants opportunity (the RCP) will provide up to $million of targeted investment in ‘place-based’ telecommunications infrastructure projects which maximise economic and social opportunities in regional, rural and remote Australian communities. One of the tools used by Regional Solutions to support economic and community development is the Regional Infrastructure Fund (RIF).

The RIF provides grants and loans to local governments for Regional Solutions capital construction projects. The Oregon Business Development Department administers the fund. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure , Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the grants offer vital support to regional communities which rely on air services for urgent transport, medical supplies and personnel. The IPA utilises its experience of working with the private sector on infrastructure and project finance to procure two infrastructure investment funds on behalf of HM Treasury - the. For Round there is a total of $2million available.

The Infrastructure Projects Stream supports projects that provide economic and social benefits to regional and remote areas. The projects can be either construction of new infrastructure or the upgrade or extension of existing infrastructure. The $3million Building our Regions program supports local government infrastructure projects in regional communities that create flow-on economic development opportunities and jobs. Grants are from $20up to $million. Community Infrastructure : $10to $200available per project.

Rural tourism infrastructure The grants are funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), which is part of the European Structural Investment Funds (ESIF). The $2million of support announced for Australia’s regional airline network is a step closer to flowing through the industry with applications opening and guidelines released for two new major initiatives to protect the sector during COVID-19. This program will support local councils to deliver priority local road and community infrastructure projects across Australia, supporting jobs and the resilience of local economies to help communities bounce back from the COVID-pandemic.

Infrastructure Planning Grant Program Municipalities and regional districts can apply for grants that support projects related to the development of sustainable community infrastructure through the Infrastructure Planning Grant Program. The program is open for applications year-round with regular processing deadlines. The group offers to buil operate and manage new modern livestock saleyards at strategic locations where the stock numbers justify a significant multi million dollar investment.

In the following piece, we discuss ways to address the global infrastructure gap. The jumping-off point for our analysis is the observation from percent of our Future of Infrastructure survey respondents that a lack of public funding is the key reason that civil infrastructure is failing to keep pace with society’s demands. But the biggest change needed to “level up” the UK’s regional infrastructure , the foundation argues, is to hand control of funding to locally accountable bodies.

Other eligibility requirements may apply. Funding allocation under the programs is outlined in the Department of Health and Human Services Policy and. Round of the Regional Health Infrastructure Fund will include a $million Aged Care component which will be.

The Regional Airports Program provides grants to enhance the safety and accessibility of aerodromes in regional areas of Australia. The Arts and Cultural Infrastructure Grant aims to provide financial assistance to arts and cultural organisations that wish to pursue building or material enhancements to their premises.


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