Citizens advice legal advice

How to find free legal advice? Do solicitors offer free legal advice? Here we explain things like getting free or affordable legal advice and taking your case to court without a lawyer.

You might get advice about what legal points to raise in. How do I find a solicitor ?

Search for a solicitor by contacting the Law Society. They will provide several options. Citizens Advice is an. Call a few to compare the service they offer - don’t forget to ask them about their fees so you can see which one is affordable for you.

Check a solicitor ’s record with the. How you can take legal action if you want to claim compensation for a personal injury. Some advice centres, such as law centres, are staffed by solicitors and other specialist caseworkers, and can offer free legal advice.

Coronavirus - law centres A number of law centres in Scotland provide only local services. Legal action can take a long time and may prove expensive. You should take the advice of your lawyer on whether to go ahead. The last thing you want is to pay more in legal fees than you get back, but if you were successful, you may be able to get compensation for unnecessary pain and suffering and your costs. Overview and content list for legal system.

We use cookies to improve your experience of our website. You can find out more or opt-out from some cookies. Legal advice This guidance explains how you may be able to get free legal advice about your civil case.

The Royal Courts of Justice Advice Bureau can provide free ongoing legal advice if you are involved in any civil case in the County Court, High Court, or Court of Appeal across England and Wales. Our main purpose is to deliver quality advice and information, engaging with clients through a range of routes. If you’re eligible, you can get help from CLA for problems. We provide a low-cost legal advice service on a wide range of issues and prepare various simple legal documents. Our staff can provide information, referral and simple legal advice on a broad range of issues.

Taking legal action can be stressful and expensive. Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Find out about call charges.

Welcome to RCJ Advice We deliver free legal advice to people who cannot afford a solicitor and need assistance with preparing, or dealing with a court case and we also have a range of other projects assisting people including a national online FL4(domestic abuse injunctions) CourtNav application. It will help if you understand how the legal system works and what kind of help you can get. These pages explain the different types of courts that make up the legal system and what they are used for. If you have an issue which you believe may need a solictor's opinion please make an appointment to see a CAE adviser at our bureau.

Appointments at the legal clinics are only available by referral. Our adviser may be able to resolve the issue but, if appropriate, they will refer you to a volunteer solicitor at one of our Legal Clinics. Legal advice for the public Our aim is to help those members of the community who, due to financial hardship, would not otherwise be able to access such advice.

Therefore, our pro bono service provides free legal advice to members of the public across a range of legal issues. A local Law Centre may be able to provide free legal advice. Civil Legal Advice and Legal Aid An explanation of civil legal advice and legal aid and the eligibility criteria to be able to avail of it.


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