Regional infrastructure development fund

Overview The Regional Growth Fund ( RGF ) has supported eligible projects and programmes raising private sector investment to create economic growth and lasting employment. The objective of the project is to increase access to infrastructure finance at the subnational level through a sustainable financial intermediary. The Regional Growth Fund will provide grants of $million or more for major transformational projects which support long-term economic growth and create jobs in regions, including those undergoing structural adjustment. Selection of projects will be undertaken in two stages.

Sub-Saharan Africa’s poor transport, energy, water and ICT infrastructure constrains economic growth and restricts integration.

A major part of the required investment is regional. The Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund (RJIF) is the Victorian Government’s overarching regional development package. It focuses on major projects, employment and communities. The RJIF has five strategic objectives: Create jobs of the future and diversify the regional employment base. European Regional Development Fund The ERDF aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting imbalances between its regions.

The ERDF focuses its investments on several key priority areas. The group offers to buil operate and manage new modern livestock saleyards at strategic locations where the stock numbers justify a significant multi million dollar investment.

This programme has five strands and supports core costs of regional infrastructure organisations involved in playing a supporting, co-ordinating or development role in relation to voluntary and community sector organisations, particularly in those policy areas which are the responsibility of the Department. Its purpose is to transfer money from richer regions (not countries), and invest it in the infrastructure and services of underdeveloped regions. Regional Infrastructure Pty Lt responsible for business development , operation and management.

This will allow those regions to start attracting private sector investments, and create jobs on their own. Among others, this proposed Fund would have an infrastructure window that would provide financial support for regional infrastructure projects, particularly within the framework of the RIDMP. Among the advantages of these bodies is that they take a long-term and expansive view of infrastructure needs. For example, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey used revenues from bridge and tunnel tolls to help fund development of nascent airports in the New York area.

Its scale allowed it to negotiate equitable terms with airlines. Similarly, the Tennessee Valley Authority – whose service area covers portions of seven states – has invested significantly in infrastructure. BDUK acts as the Broadband Competence Office to provide assistance with European funding for broadband projects. These messages could present a risk of scamming activity and the department encourages anyone seeing such messages to report them using the tools provided by social media platforms wherever possible. Define Regional Development Fund.

It is made up of £million from the London ERDF Programme, £million from the Greater London Authority (GLA), £million from the London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB), and £million from private funding at project level. This briefing examines the need for and potential role of the SADC RDF in addressing SADC’s infrastructure needs. All ASEAN Infrastructure Fund -financed infrastructure projects are also cofinanced by ADB funds.

A growing economy needs a robust infrastructure to match. There are two kinds of infrastructure investment that are central to regional economic development : transport and digital enablement. We also refer to infrastructure -based projects as tier projects. What is the Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund ? The increasing popularity of outstanding scenic areas stimulated by marketing successes such as the North Coast 5and the rise in popularity of the motorhome sector has led to rapid increases in visitor numbers.

The Regional Economic Development Fund supports the development of businesses and industry in all regions of the Northern Territory (NT). The grants are a one-off payment and are not recurrent. Funding is not for the total cost of a project.


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