
A combination of the highest quality ingredients, unrivalled care and unparalleled skill that goes into crafting each chocolate, and – most importantly – our chocolate’s smooth texture and glossy finish. That is what makes us unique. Dark and aromatic, each Excellence bar is created from the. Store Locations - Lindt.

In line with our Lindt Quality Guarantee, if a product is.

Lindt have created a range of inspiring and delicious. At Lindt , we take pride in the chocolate we have so. Top Floor - New Square,. Lindt kept his invention top secret until the Sprüngli’s.

One of the leading manufacturers of chocolate in the worl Lindt has been delighting millions of people around the globe with its high quality, scrumptious Swiss chocolate products for 1years now. The World of LINDT. Lindt chocolate is getting on the vegan bandwagon.

Lindt has opened over 4chocolate cafés and shops all over the world. It churned all night and all through the weekend. Chocolate was changed forever. We understand that we can only make a true, meaningful, impact on local conditions if we know exactly where our cocoa beans come from, who grew them and how they were produced.

Melt into a Blissful Moment. LINDT Lindor coconut truffles 200g. Relax, unwind and melt into pure bliss with Lindor. Break through the delicate chocolate shell to reveal a smooth, creamy filling worth savouring.

Lindt is a global, market leading manufacturer of premium chocolate. We are proud of our iconic brands - think Lindor, Gold Bunny and Teddy just to name a few! We are also proud of being one of the few companies who controls every step of our chocolate production from bean to bar. Showing 1-of 35. Please retain the product as it may be requested for further investigation.

In the middle of range brings a bolder, more distinct cocoa taste with subtle fruity tones, teamed with elegant, decadent notes of honey and vanilla. We look for individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds. We invest in talent because we know that any product is only as good as the people behind it.

Orders will then be delivered the next working day (from dispatch) before 5pm. Exact details can be obtained. Discover Lindt Excellence. Expect rich flavour profiles, smooth textures and a silky sheen. We aim to make the finest chocolate that is matched by equally high ethical and sustainability standards.

We can’t wait to hear from you.


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