Margol the rager

Margol the Rager is a level Elite NPC that can be found in Searing Gorge. The location of this NPC is unknown. In the NPCs category. This NPC can be found in Searing Gorge.

It can be tamed by hunters.

Margol wanders a mountain path in the far south-east corner of the zone, near a cave. Login is same as for the Forum. This item will begin a short quest. To start this quest, you first need to gain access to Searing Gorge by going to the badlands and find the hidden passage located at (60). Level 4 class Elite (Monster).

Find out where to find this character and what items he drops. Game Maps for many of todays most popular games, we make detailed interactive maps for PC and Console Games with built in features to help you and your squad be the best. Loot spawns, vehicle spawns, building database.

Margol (Dinosaur like creature) drops a horn which starts the quest to obtain the key to SG. Always up to date with the latest patch (.0). Number of MySQL queries: Time of MySQL queries: 1. All rights reserved. Enter from Loch Modan in the north, head south past Angor Fortress, then turn west toward Kargath. Sneak around Kargath and the Horde NPCs, follow the path leading west into Searing Gorge.

The Rager is an episode of Wander Over Yonder. Lord Hater tries to crash the party Wander throws for the deposed rulers in Hater’s prison. Nella categoria Oggetti.

World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King, patch 3. Legend also has it that he ate my brother Barnabas. Margol , the bane of every archaeologist that ever set foot in the Searing Gorge. Welcome to the Paradigm Reboot! The board will officially be starting on Monday October 12!

Make sure your bios are in so you can take part of the opening ceremony! I just want him dead.

Gains Upon completion of this. The real horn would have had my broken axe head still lodged into its surface. The fight had been fairly short for such a large and powerful creature, but we had been well-prepared and work well as a team. I looked across at my companions and saw the satisfaction spread across their faces, beads of sweat on their brow. Kill Glassweb Spiders for the Leg Shafts around.

Take the next quest. Go up to Thorium Point.


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