Executive meaning in telugu

Telugu words for executive include కార్యనిర్వాహకుడు, తీర్పు ప్రకారం and పరిపాలకుడు. What does the name executive mean? English- Telugu dictionary. Found 8sentences matching phrase president.

Of, relating to, capable of, or suited for carrying out or executing: an advisory body lacking executive powers.

Executive definition, a person or group of persons having administrative or supervisory authority in an organization. Designed or fitted for execution, or carrying into effect. Of, pertaining to, or having responsibility for the day-to-day running of an organisation, business, country, etc. Definition of executive in the Definitions. Information and translations of executive in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Meaning of executive. HEAD meaning in telugu , HEAD pictures, HEAD pronunciation, HEAD translation,HEAD definition are included in the result of HEAD meaning in telugu at kitkatwords.

Human resources executives manage the administrative tasks that involve employee compensation, benefits, education and motivation. They may work by themselves in small offices or supervise an HR staff in large companies. Those who work for large corporations may have to travel. In political systems based on the principle of separation of powers , authority is distributed among several branches ( executive , legislative , judicial )—an attempt to prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a single. The executive executes and enforces law.

Contextual translation of chief executive engineer meaning in telugu into Telugu. Human translations with examples: మ, perilla, ఒమా అర్థం తెలుగులో, udbi అంటే తెలుగులో. Resume service meaning in telugu. Grammatical mistakes can change the whole resume service meaning in telugu meaning of a sentence. See more ideas rsl how to write a criminal justice paper about Biodata format, Marriage, Bio data for marriage.

Mandatory skills should go in the top third of your resume so that a recruiter knows right away that. I mean, graahaka sevaa kendram or viniyogadarula sevaa kendram. We can use vibhaagam for dept. Grahak is not a hindi word but samskrutam w. Customer care dept.

Employee of a company who supports the executive , CEO, or manager and has ability to make decisions that affect the company.

In addition, the executive assistant will also perform similar responsibilities as an administrative assistant, involving research, communications, correspondence, and office management. Approximately of executive directors have non- executive roles elsewhere. Non- executive directors.

The demand for non- executive directors has increased in recent years, and so as the need for business leaders to transition to non- executive roles or as NED and trustee positions offer attractive professional development opportunities. TOP EXECUTIVE meaning in hindi, TOP EXECUTIVE pictures, TOP EXECUTIVE pronunciation, TOP EXECUTIVE translation,TOP EXECUTIVE definition are included in the result of TOP EXECUTIVE meaning in hindi at kitkatwords. By then, in Warangal, poet and Telugu lecturer Varavara Rao established Srjana, a literary and cultural magazine and Tiragabadu Kavulu (Rebel Poets), a collective of poets inspired by peasant struggles in Telangana.

Writers who till then associated themselves under similar progressive literary groups including Digambara Kavulu (Naked Poets) came together and formed the Revolutionary Writers. Vice President Youth Coordinator. Synonyms: conceptualisation , conceptualization Types: approach , attack , plan of attack ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation framing formulation of the plans and important details avenue a line of approach Type of: creating by.

Hail definition: If a person, event , or achievement is hailed as important or successful , they are. Law making power in the hands of executive = curtails individual liberty, leads to arbitrariness and injustice.


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