Medical assessment form for taxi drivers victoria

Download and complete the medical self-assessment form PDF , 204. Distribute the completed medical assessment form as follows: – Provide the original medical assessment form (together with additional information relevant to the patient’s fitness to drive ) to the patient for them to present to CPVV. Retain a copy for the patient’s medical record together with detailed examination notes and this form.

What is a medical assessment for taxi drivers ? A medical assessment involves having tests to check your general health.

To be granted a taxi licence , taxi drivers need to pass a medical assessment. The assessment will involve having your blood pressure and pulse checke a urine test, an eye test and a hearing test. The Multi Purpose Taxi Program (MPTP) online form is for doctors only.

Please carefully assess your patient against the medical criteria in the MPTP online form. Please complete the online formand submit electronically. The general regulation for taxi drivers require you to meet the same fitness to drive standards as the DVLA Group licences.

Email it to accreditation.

All initial Group licence applications require a medical assessment by a registered medical practitioner (recorded on the Dform ). The same assessment is required again at years of age and on. What are the benefits of the medical assessment ? The benefit of the assessment is that it will tell the doctor if you are healthy enough to drive a taxi safely. You will find forms here and information about how to submit them to VicRoads.

There are three fitness to drive forms. The medical report form , the eyesight report form and the psychiatric report form. General Practitioners and other medical specialists (e.g. cardiologists, neurologists, geriatricians) complete the medical report form. As part of the application requirements, applicants for hackney carriage or private hire driver licences must obtain and submit a medical questionnaire completed by their own GP, or by another. Private Hire vehicle drivers are medically fit.

In assessing an individual’s medical fitness, TfL has decided to be guided by the DVLA Group standards. Proceeds go towards our ‘Bobby Scheme’, the Blue Lamp Trust’s charitable arm which provides free home safety and security to elderly and vulnerable people. We realised professional drivers wanted easy access to low-cost medical examinations by experienced doctors who had a thorough knowledge of the medical standards required by DVLA and local Hackney and private hire licensing authorities.

This form should be taken to a. INFORMATION FOR THE APPLICANT.

Most GPs see you at a time which is convenient for them, then to charge you a fortune. However, the DVLA does not have responsibility for licensing workplace transport drivers if they do not drive on public roads. You require a group taxi driver medical in order to drive taxis under any local authority, whether you are applying for a first badge or renewing based on your age. Taxi licensing Responsibility for determining any higher standards and medical requirements for taxi drivers , over and above the driver licensing requirements, rests with Transport for London in the Metropolitan area, or the Local Authority in all other areas.

Your medical consists of an eyesight test using a Snellen chart, blood pressure checks to ensure your BP meets council criteria and a questionnaire regarding your medical history. Medical requirements for taxi drivers. Completing your driver's medical exam form. Our Doctor will also review your medical records depending on council requirements.

After your form is submitte RoadSafetyBC will review it. The information required in these forms is fairly straightforwar such as full name, date of birth and address. For medical fitness standards, vehicles are classed as being in Group or Group 2. The graphic above describes which vehicles are in Group and in Group 2. Further information on each licence category can be found on the licence application form.

The drivers ’ medical section within the DVLA deals with all aspects of driver licensing when there are medical conditions that impact, or potentially impact, on safe control of a vehicle.


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