Singapore customs hs code

To assist you in your self-classification journey, you may use the following resources to obtain the HS code for your product. Hence, the HS code used for imports and exports is based on the 8-digit ASEAN Harmonised Tariff Nomenclature , or AHTN. The first digits of the AHTN is aligned to the WCO’s Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System.

CUSTOMS REGULATIONS AND CONTACT INFORMATION. Where goods are dutiable, ad valorem or specific rates may be applied. The overseas freight, handling and insurance charges to ship the car to Singapore costs S$000.

Customs Regulations. For all motorcycles and scooters, an excise duty rate of will be levied on the customs value of the motorcycle or scooter. HS Code Lookup: Categories and Sections. There are Harmonized System Sections – the highest level of customs tariff code categorization. This HS code list is used to unify broad categories, like different types of vegetables (Section II, chapters 6-14).

These sections are dictated by the WCO and are unified across every member country. More than of all imports into Singapore enter the country duty-free. The HS code is a worldwide terminology for the classification of items.

It helps customs in various countries to make sure that they are talking about the same product and the HS code of a product also determines the import duties.

The primary basis for customs value is the transaction value of the imported goods when sold for export to Singapore. Harmonized System ( HS ) Codes Among industry classification systems, Harmonized System ( HS ) Codes are commonly used throughout the export process for goods. The Harmonized System is a standardized numerical method of classifying traded products.

Each HS code describes a particular trade product, which allows governments around the world to charge the right tariffs. HS codes form the basis for tariff codes all over the world. Tariff Schedule of Singapore See General Notes to Annex 2C for an explanation of staging codes Heading H. Code Description Base Rates Staging Category Chapter Live animals 01. Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies.

Every commodity that enters or crosses most international borders has to be declared to customs using this code. Background and Definition. A customs permit is required to account for the import and tax payment of the goods. There are plenty of HS code search tools online where you can type in a detailed description of what you’re shipping and get your code. The 6-digit HS code is internationally harmonized under the HS Convention (International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System), and used for both export and import.

What do HS code look like? Hence, based on 6-digit HS code , Trade Statistics of Japan can be compared with those of foreign countries. It allows participating countries to classify traded goods on a common basis for customs purposes. While some costs can be easily. Calculate import duty and taxes in the web-based calculator.

Use the Trade Tariff tool to find your code.


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