How to change your youtube channel name

How to change your youtube channel name

How to edit your channel name on ? Enter the new name you want for your channel into the given Brand account field and click Create. Click Create a new channel. Best thing you can do is make a completely new account. If you want a new username that badly, you have start a new account and start over.

How to change your youtube channel name

User name and channel name they are two different things. I am sure you already knew that. If you want to change channel name then watch the tutorial video by using link given below. to your channel. Select your account icon in the top right and then Settings.

Step 4: On the following screen, change your First name and Last name to what you. Change your channel name to your desired name. In this video tutorial, I show you how to change your channel name. However, if you create a brand channel , you can have a separate channel name. If your channel is very ol it was already converted into a brand channel.

Add a picture to your channel art to add some color and uniqueness. After logging in to , follow these easy steps for changing your channel name. To change channel name you have to edit the name present here.

Just click on My Channel in the app. If you can edit them, enter the name you want to change them to , and then select OK. On the top right corner, click on your logo and select Settings from the list. Here is a step by step process of brainstorming the perfect name for your channel. Step 1: Gather up all the relevant words.

How to change your youtube channel name

You can make a list of your words like your personality traits, nicknames, titles, etc. Sign in to. Go to your advanced account settings by clicking your profile picture in the top right Settings Advanced settings.

This is a fairly obvious first step, and it should take you right to your. Now we can change our channel name here. You may or may not have a First and Last name option. Sometimes it just has the space for Name.

How to change your youtube channel name

In this case I put everything into the first name section. Once you’ve swapped to a Brand Account, you can then follow the simple steps to change your channel name instantly: Go to the channel settings. Once you have the new channel name you want click on ok. When you find it, you must clip there so that several options appear and you will choose to clip the option that says Your channel.

If you have videos that can fit into a category then this step will help your channel look more organized. Make a custom title name of what it is your doing in the playlist.


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