Founded synonym

Because it must be founded in good nature, and directed by a right heart. Secondly, I cannot perceive any force in the arguments on which this theory is founded. The play is founded on the old classical story of Apollo and Daphne. Synonyms for founded.

Antonyms for founded.

What are synonyms for founded ? Her game is founded on power and determination. Find another word for found. Found: to be responsible for the creation and early operation or use of.

New from Collins Quick word challenge. Founded synonyms and Founded antonyms. No-one knows who originated this story.

Top synonym for founded (another word for founded ) is based. They inaugurated the first ever scheduled flights. See examples for synonyms.

We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word founded will help you to finish your crossword today. English dictionary definition of founded. Top founded synonyms (related to fitted) are set up, cut and dried and disciplined. Sense: Adjective: scavenged.

Merriam-Webster Thesaurus , plus related words, definitions, and antonyms. Dumbfounded: affected with sudden and great wonder or surprise. A good relationship has to be founded on trust.

Based on something and to be based on something. Establishe set up, endowed. Starting up in business. He founded the Centre for Journalism Studies. Participio pasado del verbo (amado, dejado, vivido).

She offered a well- founded hypothesis.

The association was founded over years ago and has volunteers on a regular basis. Fraternal organizations founded by one group would not admit members of the other groups. The school was founded in when Holly Champion was chairman of the education committee. How do you use well founded in a sentence?

We have synonyms for founded on. Thesaurasize - When you need a better founded on word. Possessing, proceeding from, or exhibiting good judgment and prudence: balance commonsensible, commonsensical,.


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