Nuans name search

Enter your proposed corporate name in the box below, then press the Next button. What does NUANS stand for? In Step you will be asked to provide corporate name details. You will make your payment in Step 4. A NUANS report is NOT a name search.

Nuans name search

It simply lets you know the names of trademarked or incorporated businesses that are similar to the business name that you’re proposing. This provides you with a thorough search of businesses in the jurisdiction you’re registering your business. A Nuans name search report provides a list of existing corporate names , business names and trademarks that are similar to the one being proposed.

Corporations Canada reviews the report to assess the availability of the name. The report is valid for only days. We have redesigned our online forms to now offer you the widest selection of online Packages at - off. It’s a simple way to check for existing companies with similar names to yours and is valid for days. Getting a reservation report does not mean that your proposed name has been approved.

There are many Nuans members across Canada. You can find a Nuans member in the Find a Nuans membertable. Your search returned an exact match in our database. Please review all exact matches in the table below before ordering a report with your chosen name.

Pay special attention to any names and trademarks that could be confused with your name. Trademarks are protected. You can either propose a name for the corporation or request an assigned numbered name.

A name pre-approval is considered after Nuans report is submitted to these jurisdictions. Search Nuans members by region - Nuans. In order for you to register or incorporate your business, a NUANS search is required by the government. A pre-search is used for screening a proposed name.

It’s essentially meant to search the database for exact-character matches for the name you’re looking for (although you can sometimes enter wildcards to broaden your search a bit). If you find an exact match, your proposed name is knocked out of the running. NUANS is an advanced search system that searches corporate and business registries across Canada, with over 000records of corporation names, business names and trademarks. There is no refund from us if the name is rejected by the government officer.

The information on this webpage is not intended to provide any legal advice. NUANS is a computerized system that reserves your business name for days. This comparison determines the similarity that may exists between the proposed name or trademark and existing names in the database, and produces a listing of names that are found to be most similar. HST, for Federal and Ontario NUANS search and report. The NUANS search system is a computerized search system which contains a list of all of the company names, sole proprietorships, partnerships, business names and trade-marks registered in the federal, provincial and territorial jurisdictions in Canada.

The purpose of the system is to keep track of all names registered across Canada. A preliminary search determines if a business name is available prior to ordering the Nuans report. This will identify any conflicts with your proposed business name against existing small businesses, corporations or trademarks within the databank. NUANS (pronounce “nuance”) is an automated name search of the various registrations across Canada.

Nuans name search

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