Italian citizenship application

Can I get citizenship in Italy? Otherwise you might be eligible for citizenship through residency if you live in Italy for long enough. Order a Naturalization Record.

Use citizenship by descent if your parents are Italian. To qualify, your parents.

Method of 3: Gathering Documents. Have an official copy of your birth certificate ready. Whether you were born in. Microsoft Word - APPLICATION FOR ITALIAN CITIZENSHIP. In short, this ruling refers to the “right of blood’ and states that any individual with legitimate ancestral ties to Italy may qualify for dual citizenship.

An individual can apply for citizenship by naturalization if: is a foreign citizen and has been legally resident in Italy for at least years is a citizen of the U. After years legal residence in Italy, or years living abroad.

This time will be reduced by half if the couple have children (natural or adopted). Italian and EU) to all children under years old. Obtaining citizenship in Italy through a residence permit Foreign citizens from non-EU countries can relocate to Italy by applying for a temporary or permanent residence permit.

EU citizens do not need to obtain such a visa in order to immigrate to Italy. Make proper consultation:. The Individual needs to carry out proper consultation to validate his or her eligibility. Applications may be initiated after years of marriage or months if there are minor children.

In order to get citizenship via jure sanguinis, you will have to prove your family connections to Italy, which may require tracking down official documents in your family member’s town or city of origin. A concession tax must be paid and you must swear loyalty to the republic and that you’ll observe Italy’s constitution and laws. One of the modifications is relevant because it limits the application of the 4-years deadline to citizenship processes by residence and by marriage. It does NOT apply to the applications by lineage (jure sanguinis). The usual years-deadline applies to the latter.

By setting an appointment using the online booking system. On the date of the appointment please bring the application form completely filled out. How to speed up the process.

Please be informed that Law n. When Submitting their application. This Fee is not refundable, regardless of the outcome of the application. The following steps require the applicant for jure sanguinis citizenship to locate the birth, marriage and death certificates of each child of that ancestor up to the birth certificate of the applicant. Currently, consular wait times can exceed years from appointment to actual recognition.

However, the rules allow you to also choose to apply directly in Italy. In effect, you can skip straight to the front of the line. Consulate, Local Office, etc. What you could do is. The applicant must formally take up residency in Italy within year of the date of application.

However, you must be able to prove these ties and provide official documents to support your dual citizenship application. For instance, if your mother or father was born in Italy, you must provide a long-form birth certificate as part of the application. Applications for citizenship are to be addressed to the Ministry of the Interior and presented to the Prefecture in the Province of residence, if residing in Italy, or the diplomatic-consular authorities if residing abroad.


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