Secretary of state definition state level

In many countries, a secretary of state is a mid-level post. It is usually a politically appointed position, although in some countries, such as Germany and Sweden, it can be filled by a member of the executive bureaucracy as a political appointment. Department of State. Compare foreign minister.

In Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, this official is called the secretary of the commonwealth. In states that have one, the secretary of state is the chief clerk of the state, and is often the primary custodian of important state records.

UK , a Member of Parliament who is in charge of a government department: 2. Define secretary of state. English dictionary definition of secretary of state. Secretary of State definition is - the head of the U. In this pivotal role, the secretary undertakes the overall direction, coordination, and supervision of relations between the United States and foreign nations.

The position is fourth in. Meaning of state level. Information and translations of state level in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Based on documents 12.

For instance, if a person wants to form a corporation, he or she must file Articles of Incorporation and other information with the agency. If you are a proprietor of certain businesses, or certain. A state government is a unit of government that specifically makes and enforces laws for a state.

Several modern nations, such as the United States, Australia. Change your default dictionary to American English. State bargea royal barge, or a barge belonging to a government. State be an elaborately carved or decorated bed. State carriage, a highly decorated carriage for officials going in state , or taking part in public processions.

State paper, an official paper relating to the interests or government of a. This department deals with all foreign affairs and relations for the nation. Synonyms for secretary of state at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for secretary of state. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word secretary of state will help you to finish your crossword today. France and Germany subscribe to the accountability theory, which limits the class of case in which a claimant may obtain refugee status to situations where the persecution alleged can be attributed to the state so that the status of refugee is not available, on the.

Congress passed and President George W. UK, a Member of Parliament who is in charge of a government department: 2. A general term for a Minister with responsibility for a Governmental department. While the duties of the U.

Even at the state level , the title means helping to preserve the state. However, the title of the office, the means of appointment or election and the specific duties all vary from state to state. Guandolo When history records the details of the Marxist-Islamic revolution in America, people will be astounded at the number of military generals and republicans who stood with America’s enemies against the President of the United States.

An official directly subordinate to a member of a cabinet. State definition , the condition of a person or thing, as with respect to circumstances or attributes: a state of health.


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