Recognition of italian citizenship

How can an Italian citizen acquire citizenship? How does Italy citizenship work? What are the requirements for citizenship in Italy? Birth,marriage and death certificates for all the descendants including yourself.

Italian language (Blevel and above of CEFR - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

You can go back in time through the generation until you find the ancestor who was officially entered on the Italian Civil Registers and who emigrated. Descendants of Italian citizens can apply for the recognition of citizenship at the competent Italian Consulate or at the Italian municipality of residence. If you are married to an Italian citizen , please go to the Citizenship through Marriage Section. Individuals born in any country where citizenship is granted by birth, can apply for recognition of their Italian bloodline if at the time of their birth, their mother or father was an Italian citizen , if their paternal or maternal grandfather was an Italian citizen , or if their paternal or maternal great-grand father was a citizen at the time of their birth.

Let us look at the question in more detail. Otherwise you might be eligible for citizenship through residency if you live in Italy for long enough. Italian citizenship can be automatically acquired: By birth to an Italian parent in line with the principle of jus sanguinis.

Obtaining recognition of Italian dual citizenship is one of your birth rights. For that reason, many people who qualify want to apply for their Italian passports. Recognition of citizenship for descendant of Italian nationals who are not UK citizens OR are not UK citizens since birth. Present these documents (with apostilles i and translations) at a citizenship appointment with your Italian consulate (if you live outside of Italy) or your town hall (if you reside in Italy).

Italian Citizenship is based upon the principle of “jus sanguinis” (blood right) meaning that a child born of an Italian father or mother is an Italian citizen regardless of place of birth. Hence the principle of ius sanguinis - already enshrined in the previous legislation - is reaffirmed as a key principle for the acquisition of citizenship, while the ius soli remains an exceptional and residual case. When the application is submitted it is now obligatory to pay a fee of €30 regardless of whether the citizenship will be granted or not.

A: As a citizen by descent, your citizenship is recognized retroactively since birth. So, independently from the date of issuance of your citizenship decree, you are technically an Italian citizen since the day you were born. By law, this type of recognition (vs. acquisition) is retroactive. It is possible, therefore, to get the establishment of a citizen through descent by either father or mother.

Who was born in Italy by an Italian father and mother can obtain the italian nationality by the consolate. However, this may also mean that your appointment for citizenship iure sanguinis may be given in about one year time. Gaining recognition of Italian dual citizenship can be a unique legacy to pass down to future generations.

Other than the legal aspect, which is incredibly important of course, your work involves a lot of genealogical research.

The Salvini Decree. Anyone over the age of 1 asking to be recognized as an Italian citizen, is subject to pay the consular fee of 3Euros. According to Italian law, Americans of Italian descent are able to claim Italian dual citizenship through their ancestry. While the process of obtaining Italian dual citizenship is fairly straightforward and there are few exceptions to the rule, it may be time consuming to gather all necessary documentation. In addition to being born on the Italian territory, Art.

To contact the Office in charge, please click here. Applications must be submitted in person.


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