Sunsuper investment options

Ready-made diversified options. Choose one of our ready-made diversified investment options that contain a varying mix of asset classes and come with varying levels of risk. You can change your investment strategy any time through Member Online. Each investment option has a different performance objective , risk profile , asset allocation and investment style which may also change from time to time.

Each of these features may be significant in respect of the investment return for any option.

What is an investment report? Build a sustainable future If you want to use your super for good and get strong long-term , consider choosing Sunsuper’s Socially Conscious Balanced investment option 1. The diversified ethical investment option invests in companies that work towards building a more sustainable future without fossil fuels and live exports. Help to choose your investments. Our investment reports provide a regular update on the economy and the market, along with the management and performance of our investment options. These commonly blend different asset classes into one managed fund.

For example, a pre-mixed investment may have some cash, some bonds, some property and some shares.

One of the many benefits of being a UniSuper member is the range of investment options you can choose to invest your accumulation super or pension in. With so much choice, there’s an option that’s likely to suit your risk profile and help you achieve your retirement goals. Learn more about the different types of super funds Learn more about MySuper funds. It is suitable for investors who are seeking to accumulate wealth over the long term and who want to ensure that their investments are made in line with an extended set of environmental, social and governance principles.

While you will not be offered any single investment option , this is to take into account the different combinations of investment options SunSuper may apply to your account based on your age. Sunsuper sets investment fees to match expected costs. This is a high-risk investment option that aims to deliver high returns over the.

This profit-for-members super fund has over 1. The SunSuper options are not ETFs, but Vanguard Managed Funds… These are essentially the same underlying investments but different structures. Since we’re ETF Watch, not Managed Fund Watch, we only included those that allow direct ETF investing. Investment options. How to choose your investment options.

There are a number of ways to monitor the progress of your investments , and adjust your portfolio if you need to. Your investment managers. We’re responsible for investing and managing the retirement savings of all UniSuper members.

Chief investment officer David Hartley says the difficulties of banks in Europe in particular have led the fund down the path of increasing the amount of debt investments in its unlisted exposure.

Manage your superannuation investments , details and so much more straight from your device. You won’t need your member number to login. Check your super balance with one touch. Get to know your investment options and how they can help you achieve your best retirement. Quickly preview how your investments are allocated across asset classes.

Access information to help you consider which investment option is right for you. SunSuper discloses a list of all shareholdings in the Socially Conscious Balanced option, without investment amounts. We calculate around of the this option’s Australian share investments is in companies actively undermining the climate goals of the Paris Agreement: APA and Seven Group Holdings. Good Points Fund excludes tobacco, nuclear power (including uranium), armaments, gambling, alcohol, and pornography.

Commitment to transparency by being UNPRI signatory and RIAA certified. Members are able to switch investment options at no cost. The fund invests in a wide variety of asset classes to gain the benefits of diversification. It invests in over investment managers for diversification and mainly invests in fixed interest and cash to reduce the volatility of returns.

Before you change how you invest your super, it’s important to understand the range of investment options available, your investment time frame and the impact of changing investment options. We’re here to help you work through your options and answer your questions about investments.


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