Resolution to change company name south africa

Click here to download CIPC’s special company resolution template. Before applying for a company name change, the new company name must first be reserved with CIPC. Once a name reservation has been approve the company must apply for a change to its memorandum of incorporation (MoI).

Register as a Customer To view information on how to register as a customer, click here. The name change amendment will require a special resolution by the shareholders – as this will mean a change to the Memorandum of Incorporation.

The following forms will be required (we will assist you with the full amendment process): a) CoR 9. Step :Verification of name reservation is done and a message will appear, confirming the name change from one. If correct, click on Continue. Step 10:Click on the icon of a calendar and select the date on which the special resolution by shareholders to change.

Please ensure that you capture the. If a reserved name is not included in the initial application, the company will be registered with its enterprise number. A name may be added at a later stage through a name amendment.

A name amendment requires an approved name reservation and a special resolution to effect a change to the Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI).

A company can change its name after obtaining approval from its board of directors, shareholders and central government. In order to change the name , the memorandum and articles of association of the company will undergo alterations. The approval of the members of the company by passing of a special resolution is required for this purpose.

A notice of amendment must be filed within business days after the amendment has been effected. The tracking number of the transaction will be displayed. An authorised director(s) of the company or company secretary of the company should sign the CoRdocument. Special resolutions require a majority and usually concern a company ’s constitution or other important decisions (including, dis-applying pre-emption rights, reducing share capital and changing the company ’s articles or name ). The default position is that an ordinary resolution is required unless statute or the articles state otherwise. The undersigne _____, certifies that he or she is the duly appointed Secretary of _____ Corporation and that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the directors thereof, convened and held in accordance with law and the Bylaws of said Corporation on _____, and that such resolution is now in full force and effect.

Company: BE IT RESOLVED: 1. RESOLVED , that the Vice President of Finance of the Corporation is hereby authorized to designate any bank or trust company in any city in the _________ (country name ) as a depository for the funds of Corporation. The entity understands that it will be liable for any action by any broker or agent that acts on behalf of the entity. Posting of statement describing the of the vote Within Business Days after the adoption of the Special Resolution Notes: 1. The abovementioned times are South African times and dates and are subject to change. Any such change will be released on SENS and published in the South African press.

It costs £to file, or £for the same-day service.

We provide this Amendment service. Advantages: (1) Trademarks. Note, that this depends on the clearance of South Africa’s Trademark Board. Did you find this page useful?

Parts of STAR’s business were formally called Pepkor. The resolution to change the company ’s name received 99. STAR said in a statement on Friday.

The company name search South Africa costs R8 tax included. Department Of Home Affairs Name Change. Name change generally refers to the legal act by a person of adopting a new name different from their name at birth, marriage or adoption.

South Africa can be challenging business environment, but the country offers plenty of possibilities for entrepreneurs preparing to set up a business. Our template for a shareholder resolution includes the following information: Your corporation’s name. Date, time and location of meeting. Statement that all shareholders agree to the resolution.

Confirmation of the necessary quorum for business to be conducted. Names of shareholders present or voting by proxy. Number of shares for each.


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