Singapore customs cigarettes limit

Cigarettes and Tobacco Products. Alcohol: Wine, Beer and Spirits. For this you are allowed three mix and match options. On top of that, you have to factor in the cigarette duty of 35. The minimum age for the purchase, use, possession, sale and supply of all tobacco products in Singapore is years old.

Failure to comply carries fines.

Can I bring cigarettes into Singapore? Is smoking cigarettes illegal in Singapore? Does Singapore have a duty free cigarette allowance? What are the customs of Singapore? Technically, Singapore has no duty-free allowance for any number of cigarettes brought into the country — not even a single pack.

This catches a lot of travelers by surprise. Bags are scanned for exactly such things. PPS: You can bring in 4grams of cigarettes if you declare them and pay customs duty.

But be sure to hold on to your receipt, since your cigarettes won’t be marked. Sponsored by Top Trends Space. Info-communications Media Development Authority of Singapore : 1. Chewing tobacco (loose leaf chewing tobacco , plug chewing tobacco , twist chewing tobacco , tobacco bits intended for chewing) 2. Imitation tobacco products (electronic cigarettes , vaporisers) and components of imitation tobacco products 3. In general, offenders may settle customs offences by an out-of-court composition sum or prosecution in court. Singapore Customs is the lead agency on trade facilitation and revenue enforcement.

There is also a 400gram limit of importing tobacco and paying the duty unless you have a pre-arranged Customs permit. If you are taking cigarettes into Singapore for your own use, you need to: 1. But immigration officers can exercise discretion for those who have just a few sticks left in their cigarette pack. As such the only duty free tobacco available is airside when you are leaving - none available duty free landside on arrival, and none importable or purchased airside without paying duty. You cigarettes will be weigh in and you pay according to the weight. With reference to cigarettes the same 2cigarette allowance applies to any country outside the EU.

This is according to the Government website and if you do take more, then they advise that you declare them. If you do not declare them and Customs find those in your luggage they will be seized. Anyone over the age of who is importing cigarettes for personal use only may bring up to2cigarettes (cartons, packs) and 1cigars.

There is also an additional law which provides somewhat of a loophole for certain travelers who are returning from specific locations. You can split this allowance - so you could bring in 1cigarettes and cigars (both half of your allowance).

You may have to pay Excise Duty on tobacco you declare. Under Singapore law, it is mandatory for arriving travellers to pay taxes to bring in cigarettes , tobacco products and all goods exceeding the duty-free concession and Goods and Services Tax (GST) relief. The Straits Times gets an exclusive look into an anti-smuggling operation. Local currency ( Singapore Dollar-SGD) and foreign currencies: no limit. However, amounts exceeding SGD 2000.

One opened pack is usually given discretionary relief but this is not to be taken lightly. You are expected to declare that you brought along an open pack and they will decide if you should pay duty on it. You may only bring a consumed pack in, ie, an unfinished pack that you bought it outside Singapore.

You will pay duty on any tobacco above grams.


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