Singapore embassy hotline

Please give us some time to process your request, and you should begin receiving the updates soon. To stop the service, just send UNSUBSCRIBE to the same number. What help do you need? Use the locator below to help you find your nearest overseas mission. These include British passports, marriage certificates, birth certificates, educational.

Mondays to Fridays: 8. Last queue ticket into ICA Building will be issued half-hour before closing. Find out contact details of the embassy and the map. Public Holiday on July. English (en) English Español Français Deutsch 日本語 Italiano 한국어 Nederlandse Polski Português Pусский Svenska Türkçe.

Select an Embassy Find a lis. Outside normal working hours only). Please address all your enquires regarding legalization („supralegalizare”), visa matters and other consular services to singapore. Post-Circuit Breaker (Phase 2) measures at ICA Building Counter services at the ICA Building will be strictly for selected services or by appointment only. The applications for all kind of Consular.

Singapore - About the Embassy. Embassy is a permanent diplomatic mission located in capital city of a Country. Visa and Passport services. Contact Us This website, Embassyinsingapore.

Taking a note of the embassy or consulate contacting information in your travel cities will let your China tour more safety. Ambassador Dr Ulrich A. Sante In these troubled times where forces we cannot control are driving us apart, we have a tremendous interest in further strengthening our relations - not just bilateral relations, but also relations between the EU and ASEAN. NW, BWashington D. For any queries in the UAE, please feel free to send in your e-mail to: info. Applying for a passport. Inform any changes to the Finnish Population Information System.

Singapore embassy hotline

Legalisation of doc. Office Hours: Mon-Thu: 08. EMBAIXADA DAS FILIPINAS EM BRASILIA. Dirgahyu Ke-Republic Indonesia! EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA IN SINGAPORE.

Check the days on which the embassy is closed. Report changes × Report changes × We use cook. During lunchbreak, a lean staff will be available for the DFA consular counters.


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