Stop talking to a girl after rejection

Is it polite to be rejected? How to stay friends after rejection? This kind of rejection is actually one of the most difficult for guys to deal with because just when you think you are gonna get somewhere with a girl it feels like you got the rug pulled out from under you. My suggestion when you meet with this kind of rejection is to push on and keep going for it anyways.

Be polite as she rejects you. Just because you get rejected by a gurl doesnt mean that you have to complety stop talking to her.

Especially if you guys have been fruends before she rejected you. I do believe that you need to go out and meet new people. It is always good to meet new people especially after u got rejected. If you would like more help feel free to message me. Should I talk to a girl who rejected me?

Why would a woman talk to a guy more after she. When is it the right time to talk to a girl after. Its all a numbers game you just gotta not get hurt if you get rejected.

Even if you screw up you’re getting better for next time.

I found a percent success rate after approaching girls , just cold approaches no context to help me whatsoever. If a girl is trying to lure you in with reverse psychology by telling you that she’s not interested , respect her verbally expressed answer. This is the reason why so many women feel harassed because their suitors think that they are just playing hard to get. If a woman wants to play mind games with you, call her bluff.

Personally I see no problem in a guy distancing himself from a girl who rejected him. Of course the goal would be ending the friendship so that he can get over her, and perhaps become friends again later on. Avoid having ulterior motives. Before trying to cultivate a friendship with the girl , question your own motives.

X Expert Source John Keegan. Dating Coach Expert Interview. Soon after the rejection , she may feel. Find out her interests. Because that sub-communicates that you are not making a big deal out of it, or that you are not going to hang around and beat the bush.

You just rejected a guy and expect him to be your friend. No body want to be with a person who rejects them. What are you a fool. Either you were friends before then still being a friend is possible but that also have a very slim chances after rejection.

So FU for rejecting the guy and still wanting to be friends.

This guy and i were really good friends and he texted me everyday. Hi Apollonia my name is Kennedy, I have been dating a girl for years and she broke up with me and I accept but she keep on talking to me any time we meet in the church and also call me. The one tried method to reverse the rejection in this case can prove to help you however it relies heavily on circumstance (where she is - where it happened - when it happened) AND using PERSISTENCE the right way.

Persistence is NOT simply a matter of bugging the shit out of a woman. It is not - NOT taking no for an answer either.


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