Tell me about a time you were asked to do something you didn

Many candidates incorrectly take this as a prompt for a time when you convinced the other person of the error in their ways. The better way to answer the question is to talk about a time when someone else (usually a person in authority) makes a decision with which you do not agree, yet you need to commit to delivering. Tell me about a timewhen you were asked to do something you had never done before.

What did you learn? Recall a time when you were assigned a task that you considered outside your job description?

How did you handle the situation? Describe a time you were asked to do something you did not think was right. It is my duty to handle whatever task given by my supervisor even though the task is beyond my job scope. I went to paralegal school.

The history is that I had a career but I worked too har got sick and lost my company and all my other jobs. Then I also got divorced. So I found myself alone and unemployed for the first time almost ever.

Tell us about a time when you were successful at work is a behavioral-based question you might face in an interview. Most people who I ask about their successes at work have difficulty coming up with one on the spot. The key here is to show that you are going to be thinking about what you ’re asked to do , but that you ’re not going to be too resistant to change if a situation calls for quickness and adaptability. Tell Me About A Time When You Disagreed With Your.

No one is perfect and no one does know everything. The interviewer could hone in on the fact that you really didn ’t do anything until it was too late or that you were unpersuasive or a poor communicator the first time you raised concerns about. When you are asked to describe a time you were asked to do something you did not think was right, you need to be specific.

Give me an example of success in your work. Have you been successful in the past? Why the interviewer is asking this question: The interviewer is probing both your definition of success and how you systematically achieved that success. There are three key things employers are looking for when they ask this.

They want to see that you’re accountable and upfront, instead of making excuses. Show them you take responsibility for past mistakes instead of putting the blame on others. Another variation of that is the dreaded “ greatest weakness ” interview question.

The second step is to think long and hard of an incident that you faced in the workplace.

Think about how this challenged your ethics and what you did to handle it. Were you asked to do something unethical? And did you report or confront the offender? Consider using the STAR method when structuring your answer.

However, if you don’t get the job because you gave this honest answer, it was a job that you didn ’t want. You should never find yourself being asked to do something that you strongly disagree with on moral or ethical grounds, so any job that asks you to do otherwise is one you want to pass on! This question tests two things: your.


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