Write a letter to your father telling him about your new school

Write a letter to your father telling him about your experiences so far. I am writing you this letter to find out the state of your health and to let you know what school life is for the past six weeks. It is a beautiful school.

It has a big lawn and a vast field to play. Sure you can write about wizards and even wizard school and wars.

Buildings are new and very well painted. Class­rooms are neat and clean. Our principal is very kind and gentle. My class teacher is very loving. She is very strict about the studies.

Atul is my best friend. We help each other in studies. How are you getting on your studies?

I often miss my old school and friends. Remember me to Sahith, Anuj and Sameer with lots of love and remembrance. You must be working hard. Please pay my regards to your parents.

I write this letter on special purpose. First of all I am really really sorry. But I change my school this year. I know on when you understood that I change my school you feel very alone. So, we need to transfer in Mumbai.

My new school is not only big but also clean. Sample letter to your father telling him about your studies and daily routine. I am quite well and hope you too would be fine. It was great to hear about your new house.

Actually, it seems a nice place and I enjoy studying there. The kids in my class are very friendly. I hope you are fine. I loved my new school and hostel.

Family Letter Letter to you eldest brother asking him to discuss with your father , your intention to apply for admission Government School instead of community school. Suppose, you are Ratiq and your friend is Hasna. In your last letter , you wanted to know about my school. The name of my school is Anurag care.

The of the school are very good. Letter to your frien telling him about the fair you visited recently PublishYourArticles. Dear Dad , This is probably the hardest letter for me to write. This is a letter to your friend to describe your impression about your new college and your college life. We have been to college for a month.

Our new college has a vast building. I thought this question was easy to answer. And I’d tell him that I never needed him. I would tell him he missed out.

A nagging problem in your family has so far defied all solution. Your desired school cant be desired unless you know what you want, and what you will expect in this dream school of yours. Gathering info is the first you will be required to do.

The place is extremely calm, quiet and serene. Then preperation comes next. The streets are quite wide and spacious. The house itself is situated at a nice plot of land.

There is no din and noise.


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